James Webb Space Telescope Feed Post

Date: 5/16/2023

CEERS Key Paper VI: JWST/MIRI Uncovers a Large Population of Obscured AGN at High Redshifts

Left: SED-fit examples from CIGALE. The object in the top/middle/bottom panel is classified as SF/mixed/AGN. Within each panel, the top sub-panel displays the data points and the best-fit SED models (i.e., flux density versus observed wavelength). The purple and red data points indicate the observed and model flux densities, respectively. The black curves represent the total model SEDs. The red and orange curves indicate the galactic dust and AGN components, respectively. The blue/yellow curves represent unattenuated/attenuated stellar. The fitted redshift and fracAGN are labeled. The bottom sub-panel display the relative residual in the flux, i.e., (observed-model)/observed. Right: The corresponding 5' × 5' cutouts from HST/F160W and MIRI.