James Webb Space Telescope Feed Post
Public data for June 5 - June 11
Excluding calibration images & NIRSpec observations, next week's public raw images & data from James Webb Space Telescope will be from the following programs, by program ID: 1355: observing high-redshift galaxies using MIRI spec, by TEMPLATES team, starting 6/9/2023 11:58:30 AM (UTC) for ~2 hours. 1717: MRK 273, a Feedback around Supermassive Black Holes in Dusty Nuclei, using MIRI spec, starting 6/10/2023 6:40:49 AM (UTC) for ~2.5 hours. 4454: G starts using NIRCam, starting 6/10/2023 6:18:04 PM (UTC) for ~2 hours. 1523: A dwarfs using MIRI, starting 6/11/2023 7:28:05 AM (UTC) for ~1.25 hours.