James Webb Space Telescope Feed Post
The GLASS-JWST Early Release Science Program. II. Stage I release of NIRCam imaging and catalogs in the Abell 2744 region Published: 1/5/2023 7:45:17 PM Updated: 6/5/2023 1:50:27 PM
Paper abstract: We present images and a multi-wavelength photometric catalog based on all ofthe JWST NIRCam observations obtained to date in the region of the Abell 2744galaxy cluster. These data come from three different programs, namely theGLASS-JWST Early Release Science Program, UNCOVER, and Director's DiscretionaryTime program 2756. The observed area in the NIRCam wide-band filters - coveringthe central and extended regions of the cluster, as well as new parallel fields- is 46.5 arcmin^2 in total. All images in eight bands (F090W, F115W, F150W,F200W, F277W, F356W, F410M, F444W) have been reduced adopting the latestcalibration and reference files available. Data reduction has been performedusing an augmented version of the official JWST pipeline, with improvementsaimed at removing or mitigating defects in the raw images and improving thebackground subtraction and photometric accuracy. We obtain a F444W-detectedmulti-band catalog, including all NIRCam and available HST data, adoptingforced aperture photometry on PSF-matched images. The catalog is intended toenable early scientific investigations and is optimized for the study of faintgalaxies; it contains 24389 sources, with a 5\sigma limiting magnitude in theF444W band ranging from 28.5 AB to 30.5 AB, as a result of the varying exposuretimes of the surveys that observed the field. We publicly release the reducedNIRCam images, associated multi-wavelength catalog and code adopted for 1/fnoise removal with the aim of aiding users to familiarize themselves with JWSTNIRCam data and identify suitable targets for follow-up observations.