James Webb Space Telescope Feed Post

Date: 7/20/2023

TEMPLATES: Characterization of a Merger in the Dusty Lensing SPT0418-47 System

Source plane reconstruction of the F356W band. This band is chosen as the flux from the substructure is strongest relative to the peak of the cores for SPT0418A and SPT0418B. The top left panel shows the GALFIT subtracted observed image plane of SPT0418A, with regions masked out due to unassociated flux outlined in red. The top right panel is the reconstructed image plane using a combination of parametric models and shapelets. The bottom left image is a zoomed-in view of the source plane reconstruction with the caustic and critical curve overlayed, while the bottom right panel shows the normalized residuals in the image plane. All panels are rotated such that North is up and East is left.