James Webb Space Telescope Feed Post

Date: 12/5/2023

IOP Science: Degenerate Interpretations of O3 Spectral Features in Exoplanet Atmosphere Observations Due to Stellar UV Uncertainties: A 3D Case Study with TRAPPIST-1 e

Paper abstract: TRAPPIST-1 e is a potentially habitable terrestrial exoplanet orbiting an ultracool M dwarf star and is a key target for observations with the James Webb Space Telescope. One-dimensional photochemical modeling of terrestrial planetary atmospheres has shown the importance of the incoming stellar UV flux in modulating the concentration of chemical species, such as O3 and H2O. In addition, three-dimensional (3D) modeling has demonstrated anisotropy in chemical abundances due to transport in tidally locked exoplanet simulations. We use the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model Version 6 (WACCM6), a 3D Earth system model, to investigate how uncertainties in the incident UV flux, combined with transport, affect observational predictions for TRAPPIST-1 e (assuming an initial Earth-like atmospheric composition). We use two semiempirical stellar spectra for TRAPPIST-1 from the literature. The UV flux ratio between them can be as large as a factor of 5000 in some wavelength bins. Consequently, the photochemically produced total O3 columns differ by a factor of 26. Spectral features of O3 in both transmission and emission spectra vary between these simulations (e.g., differences of 20 km in the transmission spectrum effective altitude for O3 at 0.6 µm). This leads to potential ambiguities when interpreting observations, including overlap with scenarios that assume alternative O2 concentrations. Hence, to achieve robust interpretations of terrestrial exoplanetary spectra, characterization of the UV spectra of their host stars is critical. In the absence of such stellar measurements, atmospheric context can still be gained from other spectral features (e.g., H2O), or by comparing direct imaging and transmission spectra in conjunction.