James Webb Space Telescope Feed Post
Clumpy star formation and an obscured nuclear starburst in the luminous dusty z=4 galaxy GN20 seen by MIRI/JWST
Multiwavelength comparison of GN20 with the Paa emission line map (cyan contours). a: F560W (rest-frame 1.1 µm) image from Colina et al. (2023), b: HST/ACS F814W (rest-frame 0.15µm) image, c: 880 µm (rest-frame 160 µm) image from Hodge et al. (2015), d: CO(2-1) emission from Hodge et al. (2012). The red circles show the position of the 5 CO clumps identified by Hodge et al. (2012). Abstract: Dusty star-forming galaxies emit most of their light at far-IR to mm wavelengths as their star formation is highly obscured. Far-IR and mm observations have revealed their dust, neutral and molecular gas properties. The sensitivity of JWST at rest-frame optical and near-infrared wavelengths now allows the study of the stellar and ionized gas content. We investigate the spatially resolved distribution and kinematics of the ionized gas in GN20, a dusty star forming galaxy at z=4.0548. We present deep MIRI/MRS integral field spectroscopy of the near-infrared rest-frame emission of GN20. We detect spatially resolved \paa, out to a radius of 6 kpc, distributed in a clumpy morphology. The star formation rate derived from \paa\ (144 ± 9 \msunperyear) is only 7.7 ±0.5\% of the infrared star formation rate (1860 ± 90 \msunperyear). We attribute this to very high extinction (AV = 17.2 ± 0.4 mag, or AV,mixed = 44 ± 3 mag), especially in the nucleus of GN20, where only faint \paa\ is detected, suggesting a deeply buried starburst. We identify four, spatially unresolved, clumps in the \paa\ emission. Based on the double peaked \paa\ profile we find that each clump consist of at least two sub-clumps. We find mass upper limits consistent with them being formed in a gravitationally unstable gaseous disk. The UV bright region of GN20 does not have any detected \paa\ emission, suggesting an age of more than 10 Myrs for this region of the galaxy. From the rotation profile of \paa\ we conclude that the gas kinematics are rotationally dominated and the vrot/sm=3.8±1.4 is similar to low-redshift LIRGs. We speculate that the clumps seen in GN20 could contribute to building up the inner disk and bulge of GN20.