James Webb Space Telescope Feed Post

Date: 2/19/2024

Harvard ADS: Cosmic evolution early release science survey (CEERS): Multi-classing galactic dwarf stars in the deep JWST/NIRCam

Paper abstract: Low mass (sub)stellar objects represent the low end of the initial mass function, the transition to free-floating planets and a prominent interloper population in the search for high-redshift galaxies. To what accuracy can photometry only classify these? JWST/NIRCam has several advantages over HST/WFC3 NIR: more filters, a greater wavelength range, and greater spatial resolution. Here, we present a catalogue of (sub)stellar dwarfs identified in the Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science Survey (CEERS). We identify 518 stellar objects down to mF200W 28 using half-light radius, a full three magnitudes deeper than typical HST/WFC3 images. A kNN nearest neighbour algorithm identifies and types these sources, using four HST/WFC3 and four NIRCam filters, trained on IRTF/SpeX spectra of nearby brown dwarfs. The kNN with four neighbors classifies well within two subtypes: e.g M2±2, achieving ~95% precision and recall. In CEERS, we find 9 M8±2, 2 L6±2, 1 T4±2, and 15 T8±2. We compare the observed long wavelength NIRCam colours -not used in the kNN- to those expected for brown dwarf atmospheric models. The NIRCam F356W-F444W and F410M-F444W colours are redder by a magnitude for the type assigned by the kNN, hinting at a wider variety of atmospheres for these objects. We find a 300-350pc scale-height for M6±2 dwarfs plus a second structural component and a 150-200pc scale-height for T6±2 type dwarfs, consistent with literature values. A single M8±2 dwarf is spectroscopically confirmed at 4 kpc distance.