James Webb Space Telescope Feed Post

Date: 3/12/2024

Target Name: 2MASS-J08075546-4707460 Title: Searching for Evidence of EUV Photoevaporation in Actively Dispersing Protoplanetary Disks Instrument: MIRI/IFU Filters: CH3-LONG Start Time: 3/4/2024 2:01:35 AM Obs Time: 124.878(s) Proposal ID: 3983

Raw James Webb Space Telescope image. Additional Information: Observation Type: science Mission: JWST Provenance Name: CALJWST Project: JWST Waveband: Infrared Target Classification: Star; Pre-main sequence stars; Protoplanetary disks; T Tauri stars; Young stellar objects Observation ID: jw03983-o018_t018_miri_ch3-long RA: 121.981067892104 Dec: -47.1293893771424 Product Type: cube Principal Investigator: Thanathibodee, Thanawuth Calibration Level: 3 Start Time: 3/4/2024 2:01:35 AM End Time: 3/4/2024 2:15:09 AM Min Wavelength: 15410 Max Wavelength: 17980 Release Date: 3/12/2024 2:37:25 PM Proposal Type: GO Sequence Number: -999 S_Region: POLYGON 121.978781248 -47.130715782 121.978781248 -47.128049115 121.983027566 -47.128049115 121.983027566 -47.130715782 Data Rights: PUBLIC Moving Target: False Number of Catalog Objects(srcDen): NaN Product Group ID: 212635558 Object ID: 395152727