James Webb Space Telescope Feed Post

Date: 4/18/2024

Target Name: PLUTO+CHARON Title: Kuiper Belt Science with JWST Instrument: MIRI/IMAGE Filters: F560W Start Time: 4/18/2023 2:51:25 AM Obs Time: 3063.648(s) Proposal ID: 1191

Raw James Webb Space Telescope image. Additional Information: Observation Type: science Mission: JWST Provenance Name: CALJWST Project: JWST Waveband: Infrared Target Classification: Solar System; Dwarf-Planet Observation ID: jw01191-o002_t001_miri_f560w RA: 302.75856999035 Dec: -22.5586712572292 Product Type: image Principal Investigator: Stansberry, John A. Calibration Level: 3 Start Time: 4/18/2023 2:51:25 AM End Time: 4/18/2023 4:24:26 AM Min Wavelength: 5000 Max Wavelength: 6200 Release Date: 4/18/2024 10:40:41 AM Proposal Type: GTO Sequence Number: -999 S_Region: POLYGON 302.790210179 -22.550467461 302.756177099 -22.554630716 302.751582061 -22.522558221 302.785607376 -22.518395933 Data Rights: PUBLIC Moving Target: True Number of Catalog Objects(srcDen): NaN Product Group ID: 127975869 Object ID: 413631797