Kelly Lepo | A comparison of the # JWST NIRCam near-infrared and the MIRI mid-infrared views of the top of the Horsehead Nebula In the NIRCam image, the blue clouds show the warm glow of the nebula, filled with molecules like hydrogen, methane, and water ice. The red whisps are mostly atomic and molecular hydrogen. In the MIRI image, we see the glowing dust made of silicate particles and soot-like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules. 📷 https:// ia/images/2024/119/01HV4BAFBCNVV1VFQ4XMASPGV9?news=true https:// ia/images/2024/119/01HV6KVHFVCAEDBK9AXCYX46VJ?news=true