Date: 5/9/2024
Arxiv: JWST FRESCO: a comprehensive census of Hβ+[OIII] emitters at
6.8 < z < 9.0 in the GOODS fields
Published: 5/8/2024 6:07:57 PM
Updated: 5/8/2024 6:07:57 PM
Paper abstract: We present the census of H\beta+[O III] 4960,5008 \AA emitters at6.87 galaxies. We report a rapid decline of the [O III]luminosity density at z\gtrsim 6-7 which cannot be explained solely by theevolution of the cosmic star-formation rate density. Finally, we find thatFRESCO, in only 2h, captures star-forming galaxies likely accounting for~ 10-20\% of the ionising budget at z=7 and z=8, raising the prospectof detecting directly all the sources of reionisation with JWST.