James Webb Space Telescope Feed Post

Date: 7/25/2024

Harvard ADS: Fuzzy Dark Matter Constraints from the Hubble Frontier Fields

Paper abstract: In fuzzy dark matter (FDM) cosmologies, the dark matter consists of ultralight bosons (m<~10^{-20} eV). The astrophysically large de Broglie wavelengths of such particles hinder the formation of low-mass dark matter halos. This implies a testable prediction: a corresponding suppression in the faint-end of the ultraviolet luminosity function (UVLF) of galaxies. Notably, recent estimates of the faint-end UVLF at z~5-9 in the Hubble Frontier Fields, behind foreground lensing clusters, probe up to five magnitudes fainter than typical ("blank-field") regions. These measurements thus far disfavor prominent turnovers in the UVLF at low luminosity, implying bounds on FDM. We fit a semi-empirical model to these and blank-field UVLF data, including the FDM particle mass as a free parameter. This fit excludes cases where the dark matter is entirely a boson of mass m<1.5\times10^{-21} eV (with 2\sigma confidence). We also present a less stringent bound deriving solely from the requirement that the total observed abundance of galaxies, integrated over all luminosities, must not exceed the total halo abundance in FDM. This more model-agnostic bound disfavors m<5\times10^{-22} eV (2\sigma). We forecast that future UVLF measurements from JWST lensing fields may probe masses several times larger than these bounds, although we demonstrate this is subject to theoretical uncertainties in modeling the FDM halo mass function.