James Webb Space Telescope Feed Post

Date: 7/26/2024

Arxiv: The BoRG-JWST Survey: Program Overview and First Confirmations of Luminous Reionization-Era Galaxies from Pure-Parallel Observations Published: 7/24/2024 9:00:00 PM Updated: 7/24/2024 9:00:00 PM

Paper abstract: We present the BoRG-JWST survey, a combination of two JWST Cycle 1 programsaimed at obtaining NIRSpec spectroscopy of representative, UV-bright 75, highlighting the large abundance ofhigh-redshift galaxies even in individual WFC3 pointings. The primary samplespan an absolute magnitude range -20.47 sources currently known and comparable to the brightest sourcesat z>10. Prominent [O III]+H\beta lines are found across the full sample,while a stack of sources reveals a plethora of other rest-optical lines andadditional rest-UV C III]1909 \r{A} emission. Despite their luminosities, noneof the low-resolution spectra display evidence for Type 1 AGN activity based ona search for broad-line emission. Lastly, we present a spectroscopic datarelease of 188 confirmed 0.5<~ z<~5.0 sources from filler MSAobservations, highlighting the legacy value of the survey and a representativebenchmark for comparisons to deep field observations.