James Webb Space Telescope Feed Post

Date: 7/26/2024

Harvard ADS: exoTEDRF: An EXOplanet Transit and Eclipse Data Reduction Framework

Paper abstract: Here, I present the community with exoTEDRF (EXOplanet Transit and Eclipse Data Reduction Framework; formerly known as supreme-SPOON), an end-to-end pipeline for data reduction and light curve analysis of time series observations (TSOs) of transiting exoplanets with JWST. The pipeline is highly modular and designed to produce reliable spectra from raw JWST exposures. exoTEDRF (pronounced exo-tedorf) consists of four stages, each of which are further subdivided into a series of steps. These steps can either be run individually, for example in a Jupyter notebook, or via the command line using the provided configuration files. The steps are highly tunable, allowing full control over every parameter in the reduction. Each step also produces diagnostic plots to allow the user to verify their results at each intermediate stage, and compare outputs with other pipelines if so desired. Finally, exoTEDRF has also been designed to be run in "batch" mode: simultaneously running multiple reductions, each tweaking a subset of parameters, to understand any impacts on the resulting atmosphere spectrum.