James Webb Space Telescope Feed Post

Date: 9/10/2024

Arxiv: Spherical Collapse Approach for Non-standard Dark Matter Models and Enhanced Early Galaxy Formation in JWST Published: 11/25/2023 7:27:17 PM Updated: 9/7/2024 3:12:15 PM

Paper abstract: Using the spherical collapse approach, we investigate the impact of twoalternative dark matter models, each characterized by distinct non-zeroequations of state, one constant and the other time dependent on the nonlinearregime. Specifically, we compare these models to standard cold dark matter(CDM) by analyzing their influence on the linear density threshold fornonrelativistic component collapse and virial overdensity. Additionally, weexplore the number count of collapsed objects, or dark matter halos, analogousto the number count of galaxy clusters. Finally, in light of recent discoveriesby the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), indicating the potential for moreefficient early galaxy formation at higher redshifts, we investigate howalternative dark matter assumptions can enhance structure formation efficiencyduring the early universe.