James Webb Space Telescope Feed Post
Harvard ADS: A Post-Starburst Pathway to Forming Massive Galaxies and Their Black Holes at z>6
Paper abstract: Understanding the rapid formation of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in the early universe requires an understanding of how stellar mass grows in the host galaxies. Here, we perform an analysis of rest-frame optical spectra and imaging from JWST of two quasar host galaxies at z>6 which exhibit Balmer absorption lines. These features in the stellar continuum indicate a lack of young stars, similar to low-redshift post-starburst galaxies whose star formation was recently quenched. We find that the stellar mass (log(M_* / M_sun) > 10.6) of each quasar host grew in a starburst episode at redshift 7 or 8. One of the targets exhibits little ongoing star formation, as evidenced by the photometric signature of the Balmer break and a lack of spatially resolved H-alpha emission, placing it well below the star formation main sequence at z = 6. The other galaxy is transitioning to a quiescent phase; together, the two galaxies represent the most distant massive post-starburst galaxies known. The maturity of these two galaxies is further supported by the stellar velocity dispersions of their host galaxies, placing them slightly above the upper end of the local M_BH - sigma_* relation. The properties of our two post-starburst galaxies, each hosting an active SMBH with log(M_BH / M_sun) > 9, suggests that black holes played a major role in shaping the formation of the first massive galaxies in the Universe.