James Webb Space Telescope Feed Post
Harvard ADS: Investigating C-Doop vibrational modes in PAHs as a tool to study interstellar deuterium-containing PAHs
Paper abstract: Previous as well as recent observations by ISO, Spitzer, AKARI, SOFIA, JWST etc. have revealed various characteristics of mid-infrared emission bands between 3-20 micron. Subsequently, several forms of organics including Polycylic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)/PAHs-like molecules are proposed as carriers for these bands. Deuterated PAH (PAD) is one such substituted PAH, which is proposed as a potential candidate carrier for weak emission bands at 4.4 and 4.65 micron, detected towards few astronomical targets and are characteristics of aromatic and aliphatic C-D stretching modes in a PAD molecule, respectively. However, the 4.4 micron band is not widely detected. In order to validate PADs as carriers for mid-infrared emission bands, an additional alternative way is crucial. If PAHs are deuterated or deuteronated, they should also possess an inherent signature from the C-D out of plane (C-Doop) vibrations, which are at the longer wavelength side. In this report, features due to C-Doop modes belonging to PAHs with single to multiple deuteration in the same ring are reported by performing quantum-chemical calculations. We found that some of the C-Doop vibrations appear at 14-19 micron range, which does not overlap with the region attributed to C-Hoop modes. Also, the strength of C-Doop modes is not proportional to D/H in PAHs. In addition, new C-Hoop modes also appear due to the creation of new C-H bonds upon deuteration of duet, trio, and quartet C-H sites. We discuss the efficiency and usefulness of these bands to constrain the form of PAHs emitting mid-infrared emission bands.