James Webb Space Telescope Feed Post

Date: 9/26/2024

Target Name: NGC6946-BH1 Title: Confirming the Formation of a Black Hole Instrument: MIRI/IMAGE Filters: F560W Start Time: 9/26/2023 1:32:43 AM Obs Time: 86.528(s) Proposal ID: 2896

Raw James Webb Space Telescope image. Additional Information: Observation Type: science Mission: JWST Provenance Name: CALJWST Project: JWST Waveband: INFRARED Target Classification: Star; Black holes Observation ID: jw02896-o001_t001_miri_f560w-brightsky RA: 308.864833333333 Dec: 60.1356361111111 Product Type: image Principal Investigator: Kochanek, Chris S. Calibration Level: 3 Start Time: 9/26/2023 1:32:43 AM End Time: 9/26/2023 1:38:17 AM Min Wavelength: 5000 Max Wavelength: 6200 Release Date: 9/26/2024 5:37:57 AM Proposal Type: GO Sequence Number: -999 S_Region: POLYGON 308.858262475 60.148600835 308.889395543 60.136839161 308.867010842 60.122149874 308.835883676 60.133906297 Data Rights: EXCLUSIVE_ACCESS Moving Target: False Number of Catalog Objects(srcDen): NaN Product Group ID: 178519250 Object ID: 552659414