James Webb Space Telescope Feed Post
Harvard ADS: The impact of faint AGN discovered by JWST on reionization
Paper abstract: The relative contribution of emission from stellar sources and accretion onto supermassive black holes to reionization has been brought into focus again by the apparent high abundance of faint AGN at 4<~ z<~11 uncovered by JWST. We investigate the contribution of these faint AGN to hydrogen and the early stages of helium reionization using the GPU-based radiative transfer code ATON-HE by post-processing a cosmological hydrodynamical simulation from the SHERWOOD-RELICS suite of simulations. We study four models of reionization: two previously studied galaxy-only late-end reionization models and two new models -- a QSO-assisted model and a QSO-only model. In the QSO-assisted model, 1\% of the haloes host AGN with a 10~Myr lifetime, and the AGN luminosities are scaled such that the AGN contribution to the hydrogen-ionizing emissivity is 20\% of that contributed by galaxies. In the QSO-only model, quasars account for all the hydrogen-ionizing emissivity, with 10\% of the haloes hosting AGN, each with a 10 Myr lifetime. All models are calibrated to the observed mean Lyman-\alpha forest transmission at 5<~ z<~6.2. We find that the QSO-assisted model requires an emissivity factor of 1.8 lower than the galaxy-only models towards the end of reionization and fits the observed distribution of the Lyman-\alpha optical depths well. Our QSO-only model is inconsistent with the observed Lyman-\alpha optical depths distribution. It also results in too high IGM temperatures at z<~ 5 due to an early onset of HeII reionization unless the escape fraction of HeII-ionizing photons is assumed to be low. Our results suggest that a modest contribution to reionization by faint AGN is in good agreement with the Lyman-\alpha forest data. In contrast, a scenario dominated by faint AGN appears difficult to reconcile with these observations.