James Webb Space Telescope Feed Post
Starry Time Podcast | Today for # SpookyNebula , may I present The Ring Nebula, which is really giving eye-in-the-sky watching you energy! The Ring Nebula is located in the # constellation # Lyra , which we covered last season on our # podcast ð For our # astronomy episode: https:// starrytimepodcast.podbean.com/ e/lyra-cosmic-background/ ð For our # mythology episode: https:// starrytimepodcast.podbean.com/ e/lyra-myths-and-retconstellations/ ðĪŠ For our # PopCulture chaos episode: https:// starrytimepodcast.podbean.com/ e/lyra-pop-culture-superstar/ ð· : https:// flic.kr/p/2oX8Sbf # astrophotography # space # Science # JWST # Lyra # Orpheus # eurydice # GreekMythology # Myths # StarLore # AstroDon