James Webb Space Telescope Feed Post

Date: 10/15/2024

Arxiv: JWST/MIRI Observations of Newly Formed Dust in the Cold, Dense Shell of the Type IIn SN 2005ip Published: 10/11/2024 9:00:00 PM Updated: 10/11/2024 9:00:00 PM

Paper abstract: Dust from core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe), specifically Type IIP SNe, hasbeen suggested to be a significant source of the dust observed in high-redshiftgalaxies. CCSNe eject large amounts of newly formed heavy elements, which cancondense into dust grains in the cooling ejecta. However, infrared (IR)observations of typical CCSNe generally measure dust masses that are too smallto account for the dust production needed at high redshifts. Type IIn SNe,classified by their dense circumstellar medium (CSM), are also known to exhibitstrong IR emission from warm dust, but the dust origin and heating mechanismhave generally remained unconstrained because of limited observationalcapabilities in the mid-IR. Here, we present a JWST/MIRI Medium ResolutionSpectrograph (MRS) spectrum of the Type IIn SN 2005ip nearly 17 yearspost-explosion. The Type IIn SN 2005ip is one of the longest-lasting and mostwell-studied SNe observed to date. Combined with a Spitzer mid-IR spectrum ofSN 2005ip obtained in 2008, this data set provides a rare 15-year baseline,allowing for a unique investigation of the evolution of dust. The JWST spectrumshows a new high-mass dust component (\gtrsim0.08 M_{\odot}) that is notpresent in the earlier Spitzer spectrum. Our analysis shows dust likely formedover the past 15 years in the cold, dense shell (CDS), between the forward andreverse shocks. There is also a smaller mass of carbonaceous dust(\gtrsim0.005 M_{\odot}) in the ejecta. These observations provide newinsights into the role of SN dust production, particularly within the CDS, andits potential contribution to the rapid dust enrichment of the early Universe.