James Webb Space Telescope Feed Post

Date: 10/17/2024

Harvard ADS: The JWST-NIRCam View of Sagittarius C. I. Massive Star Formation and Protostellar Outflows

Paper abstract: We present James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)-NIRCam observations of the massive star-forming molecular cloud Sagittarius C (Sgr C) in the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ). In conjunction with ancillary mid-IR and far-IR data, we characterize the two most massive protostars in Sgr C via spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting, estimating that they each have current masses of m_* ~ 20\:M_\odot and surrounding envelope masses of ~ 100\:M_\odot. We report a census of lower-mass protostars in Sgr C via a search for infrared counterparts to mm continuum dust cores found with ALMA. We identify 88 molecular hydrogen outflow knot candidates originating from outflows from protostars in Sgr C, the first such unambiguous detections in the infrared in the CMZ. About a quarter of these are associated with flows from the two massive protostars in Sgr C; these extend for over 1 pc and are associated with outflows detected in ALMA SiO line data. An additional ~ 40 features likely trace shocks in outflows powered by lower-mass protostars throughout the cloud. We report the discovery of a new star-forming region hosting two prominent bow shocks and several other line-emitting features driven by at least two protostars. We infer that one of these is forming a high-mass star given an SED-derived mass of m_* ~ 9\:M_\odot and associated massive (~ 90\:M_\odot) mm core and water maser. Finally, we identify a population of miscellaneous Molecular Hydrogen Objects (MHOs) that do not appear to be associated with protostellar outflows.