James Webb Space Telescope Feed Post

Date: 10/17/2024

Harvard ADS: Hot Rocks Survey I : A shallow eclipse for LHS 1478 b

Paper abstract: M dwarf systems offer a unique opportunity to study terrestrial exoplanetary atmospheres due to their smaller size and cooler temperatures. However, due to the extreme conditions these host stars impose, it is unclear whether their small, close-in rocky planets are able to retain any atmosphere at all. The Hot Rocks Survey aims to answer this question by targeting nine different M dwarf rocky planets spanning a range of planetary and stellar properties. LHS 1478 b orbits an M3-type star, has an equilibrium temperature of Teq = 585 K and experiences an instellation 21 times greater than that of Earth. We observe two secondary eclipses using photometric imaging at 15 um using the Mid-Infrared Instrument on the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST MIRI) to measure thermal emission from the dayside of the planet. We then compare these values to different atmospheric scenarios to evaluate potential heat transport and CO2 absorption signatures. We find a secondary eclipse depth of 146 +/- 56 ppm based on the first observation, while the second observation results in a non-detection due to significantly larger unexplained systematics. Based on the first observation alone, we can reject the null hypothesis of the dark (zero Bond albedo) no atmosphere bare rock model with a confidence level of 3.4 sigma. For an airless body with a Bond albedo of A=0.2, the significance decreases to 2.9 sigma. The secondary eclipse depth is consistent with the majority of atmospheric scenarios we considered, which all involve atmospheres which include different concentrations of CO2, and surface pressures from 0.1 to 10 bar. However, we stress that the two observations from our program do not yield consistent results, and more observations are needed to verify our findings. The Hot Rocks Survey serves as a relevant primer for future endeavors such as the Director's Discretionary Time (DDT) Rocky Worlds program.