James Webb Space Telescope Feed Post

Date: 10/21/2024

Arxiv: First results from the JWST Early Release Science Program Q3D: The Fast Outflow in a Red Quasar at z=0.44 Published: 10/18/2024 11:50:38 AM Updated: 10/18/2024 11:50:38 AM

Paper abstract: Quasar feedback may play a key role in the evolution of massive galaxies. Thedust-reddened quasar, F2M110648.35+480712 at z = 0.4352 is one of the fewcases at its redshift that exhibits powerful quasar feedback through bipolaroutflows. Our new observation with the integral field unit mode ofNear-infrared Spectrograph onboard JWST opens a new window to examine thisspectacular outflow through Pa\alpha emission line with ~3\timesbetter spatial resolution than previous work. The morphology and kinematics ofthe Pa\alpha nebula confirm the existence of a bipolar outflow extending on ascale of ~17\times14 kpc and with a velocity reaching ~1100 kms^{-1}. The higher spatial resolution of our new observation leads to morereliable measurements of outflow kinematics. Considering only the spatiallyresolved outflow and assuming an electron density of 100 cm^{-2}, the mass,momentum and kinetic energy outflow rates are ~50-210 M_{\odot}yr^{-1}, ~0.3-1.7\times10^{36} dynes (~14-78\% of the quasarphoton momentum flux) and ~0.16-1.27\times10^{44} erg s^{-1}(~0.02-0.20\% of the quasar bolometric luminosity), respectively. Thelocal instantaneous outflow rates generally decrease radially. We infer thatthe quasar is powerful enough to drive the outflow, while stellar processescannot be overlooked as a contributing energy source. The mass outflow rate is~0.4-1.5 times the star formation rate, and the ratio of kinetic energyoutflow rate to the quasar bolometric luminosity is comparable to the minimumvalue required for negative quasar feedback in simulations. This outflow mayhelp regulate the star formation activity within the system to some extent.