James Webb Space Telescope Feed Post

Date: 11/3/2024

Harvard ADS: Hints of a Sulfur-rich Atmosphere around the 1.6 R Super-Earth L98-59 d from JWST NIRspec G395H Transmission Spectroscopy

Paper abstract: Detecting atmospheres around planets with a radius below 1.6 R ?, commonly referred to as rocky planets, has proven to be challenging. However, rocky planets orbiting M dwarfs are ideal candidates due to their favorable planet-to-star radius ratio. Here, we present one transit observation of the Super-Earth L98-59 d (1.58 R ? and 2.31 M ?), at the limit of rocky/gas-rich, using the JWST NIRSpec G395H mode covering the 2.8–5.1 µm wavelength range. The extracted transit spectrum from a single transit observation deviates from a flat line by 2.6s–5.6s, depending on the data reduction and retrieval setup. The hints of an atmospheric detection are driven by a large absorption feature between 3.3 and 4.8 µm. A stellar contamination retrieval analysis rejected the source of this feature as being due to stellar inhomogeneities, making the best fit an atmospheric model including sulfur-bearing species, suggesting that the atmosphere of L98-59 d may not be at equilibrium. This result will need to be confirmed by the analysis of the second NIRSpec G395H visit in addition to the NIRISS SOSS transit observation.