James Webb Space Telescope Feed Post
A close look at a local galaxy (NGC 2566)
Even in space, connections are important. This image of NGC 2566 is part of an observing program dedicated to understanding the connections between stars, gas and dust in nearby star-forming galaxies. Read more: esawebb.org/images/potm2412a/ Image credit: ESA/Webb, NASA & CSA, A. Leroy Image description: An oval-shaped spiral galaxy, seen close-up. Its core is a compact, pale spot that glows brightly, filling the disc with bluish light. Faint strands of pale reddish dust swirl out from the core to the far sides of the disc. They each join up with an arm of thick, cloudy, red dust with brighter orange patches, that follows the edge of the disc around to the opposite end and a little off the galaxy. Image & Description by NASA