James Webb Space Telescope Feed Post

Date: 2/12/2025

Arxiv: EPOCHS IV: SED Modelling Assumptions and their impact on the Stellar Mass Function at 6.5 < z < 13.5 using PEARLS and public JWST observations Published: 3/6/2024 8:14:21 PM Updated: 2/11/2025 7:00:12 PM

Paper abstract: We utilize deep JWST NIRCam observations for the first direct constraints onthe Galaxy Stellar Mass Function (GSMF) at z>10. Our EPOCHS v1 sampleincludes 1120 galaxy candidates at 6.5= 9 than some studies predict, suggesting arapid buildup of stellar mass in the early Universe. We find no incompatibilitybetween our results and those of standard cosmological models, as suggestedpreviously, although the most massive galaxies may require a high starformation efficiency. We find that the "Little Red Dot" galaxies dominate thez=7 GSMF at high-masses, necessitating a better understanding of the relativecontributions of AGN and stellar emission. We show that assuming atheoretically motivated top-heavy IMF reduces stellar mass by 0.5~dex withoutaffecting fit quality, but our results remain consistent with existingcosmological models with a standard IMF.