The James Webb Space Telescope Feed

The most extensive source of information about James Webb Space Telescope. JWST Feed contains every single piece of data from the telescope, and is updating live every few minutes. Our goal is to make the full JWST data accessible for the public.

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Date: 2/19/2025

Arxiv: Blowing star formation away in AGN Hosts (BAH) -- II. Investigating the origin of the H2 emission excess in nearby galaxies with JWST MIRI Published: 10/9/2024 5:57:19 PM Updated: 2/18/2025 5:38:06 PM

Date: 2/18/2025

Arxiv: The JWST EXCELS survey: Probing strong-line diagnostics and the chemical evolution of galaxies over cosmic time using Te-metallicities Published: 2/14/2025 9:00:00 PM Updated: 2/14/2025 9:00:00 PM

Date: 2/18/2025

Arxiv: Fading Light, Fierce Winds: JWST Snapshot of a Sub-Eddington Quasar at Cosmic Dawn Published: 12/5/2024 9:00:02 PM Updated: 2/14/2025 10:44:55 PM


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Date: 2/18/2025

Arxiv: Blowing star formation away in AGN Hosts (BAH) - II. Investigating the origin of the H2 emission excess in nearby galaxies with JWST MIRI Published: 10/9/2024 5:57:19 PM Updated: 2/17/2025 8:33:21 PM

Date: 2/17/2025

Arxiv: MICONIC: JWST Unveils Shocked Hot Core Chemistry in the Western Nucleus of Arp 220 Published: 2/14/2025 6:29:43 PM Updated: 2/14/2025 6:29:43 PM

Date: 2/17/2025

Arxiv: Modelling methanol and hydride formation in the JWST Ice Age era Published: 2/14/2025 2:44:05 PM Updated: 2/14/2025 2:44:05 PM

Date: 2/17/2025

Arxiv: Tracing high-z Galaxies in X-rays with JWST and Chandra Published: 2/13/2025 9:00:07 PM Updated: 2/13/2025 9:00:07 PM


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Date: 2/14/2025

Arxiv: Predicting the detectability of sulphur-bearing molecules in the solid phase with simulated spectra of JWST instruments Published: 2/13/2025 5:00:09 PM Updated: 2/13/2025 5:00:09 PM

Date: 2/14/2025

Arxiv: Early Galaxies from Rare Inflationary Processes and JWST Observations Published: 2/12/2025 9:00:00 PM Updated: 2/12/2025 9:00:00 PM

Date: 2/14/2025

Arxiv: BOWIE-ALIGN: JWST reveals hints of planetesimal accretion and complex sulphur chemistry in the atmosphere of the misaligned hot Jupiter WASP-15b Published: 10/10/2024 8:01:53 PM Updated: 2/13/2025 2:12:22 PM

Date: 2/14/2025

Arxiv: The UNCOVER Survey: First Release of Ultradeep JWST/NIRSpec PRISM spectra for ~700 galaxies from z~0.3-13 in Abell 2744 Published: 8/7/2024 8:24:12 PM Updated: 2/13/2025 5:45:05 PM

Date: 2/13/2025

Arxiv: Testing for Intrinsic Type Ia Supernova Luminosity Evolution at z>2 with JWST Published: 11/18/2024 9:00:01 PM Updated: 2/12/2025 5:36:52 PM


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Date: 2/13/2025

Arxiv: The Sunburst Arc with JWST: III. An Abundance of Direct Chemical Abundances Published: 5/10/2024 8:48:16 PM Updated: 2/12/2025 12:02:56 AM

Date: 2/13/2025

Arxiv: JAGB 2.0: Improved Constraints on the J-region Asymptotic Giant Branch-based Hubble Constant from an Expanded Sample of JWST Observations Published: 2/7/2025 9:00:00 PM Updated: 2/12/2025 3:11:28 AM

Date: 2/12/2025

Arxiv: Exploring the mysterious high-ionization source powering [Ne V] in high-z analog SBS0335-052 E with JWST/MIRI Published: 2/11/2025 5:53:42 PM Updated: 2/11/2025 5:53:42 PM

Date: 2/12/2025

Arxiv: GEMS JWST: Transmission spectroscopy of TOI-5205b reveals significant stellar contamination and a metal-poor atmosphere Published: 2/10/2025 9:02:39 PM Updated: 2/10/2025 9:02:39 PM

Date: 2/12/2025

Arxiv: EPOCHS IV: SED Modelling Assumptions and their impact on the Stellar Mass Function at 6.5 < z < 13.5 using PEARLS and public JWST observations Published: 3/6/2024 8:14:21 PM Updated: 2/11/2025 7:00:12 PM


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Date: 2/11/2025

Arxiv: The JWST View of Cygnus A: Jet-Driven Coronal Outflow with a Twist Published: 2/10/2025 6:01:10 PM Updated: 2/10/2025 6:01:10 PM

Date: 2/11/2025

Arxiv: On The Very Bright Dropouts Selected Using the James Webb Space Telescope NIRCam Instrument Published: 2/9/2025 5:02:06 AM Updated: 2/9/2025 5:02:06 AM

Date: 2/11/2025

Arxiv: JAGB 2.0: Improved Constraints on the J-region Asymptotic Giant Branch-based Hubble Constant from an Expanded Sample of JWST Observations Published: 2/7/2025 9:00:00 PM Updated: 2/7/2025 9:00:00 PM

Date: 2/10/2025

Arxiv: Unveiling IZw18 age's mystery: Resolved Stellar Populations and Star Formation History Study with JWST/NIRCam Published: 2/7/2025 4:31:11 PM Updated: 2/7/2025 4:31:11 PM

Date: 2/10/2025

Arxiv: Explaining JWST counts with galaxy formation models Published: 2/7/2025 9:14:02 AM Updated: 2/7/2025 9:14:02 AM

Date: 2/10/2025

Arxiv: The JWST/NIRSpec view of the nuclear region in the prototypical merging galaxy NGC 6240 Published: 12/19/2024 11:37:36 AM Updated: 2/7/2025 1:04:15 PM


Date: 2/7/2025

Arxiv: Ruling out AGNs as the dominant source of cosmic reionization with JWST Published: 2/6/2025 2:12:00 AM Updated: 2/6/2025 2:12:00 AM

Date: 2/7/2025

Arxiv: The TRGB-SBF Project. II. Resolving the Virgo Cluster with JWST Published: 8/29/2024 9:00:00 PM Updated: 2/6/2025 2:26:02 AM

Date: 2/6/2025

Arxiv: A JWST Project on 47 Tucanae: Kinematics, energy equipartition and anisotropy of multiple populations Published: 2/5/2025 3:02:27 PM Updated: 2/5/2025 3:02:27 PM

Date: 2/6/2025

Arxiv: Synergising semi-analytical models and hydrodynamical simulations to interpret JWST data from the first billion years Published: 2/4/2025 9:00:04 PM Updated: 2/4/2025 9:00:04 PM

Date: 2/6/2025

Arxiv: Gravitational Wave Forecasts Constrained by JWST AGN Observations for Early Massive Black Hole Mergers Published: 9/26/2024 9:10:26 PM Updated: 2/5/2025 5:13:31 AM

Date: 2/5/2025

Arxiv: ADF22-WEB: ALMA and JWST (sub)kpc-scale views of dusty star-forming galaxies in a z\approx3 proto-cluster Published: 2/4/2025 12:36:39 AM Updated: 2/4/2025 12:36:39 AM

Date: 2/5/2025

Arxiv: JWST sighting of decameter main-belt asteroids and view on meteorite sources Published: 2/3/2025 9:00:03 PM Updated: 2/3/2025 9:00:03 PM

Date: 2/4/2025

Arxiv: First unambiguous detection of ammonia in the atmosphere of a planetary mass companion with JWST/MIRI coronagraphs Published: 12/30/2024 9:02:29 PM Updated: 2/3/2025 5:01:08 PM


Date: 2/4/2025

Arxiv: The emergence of the Star Formation Main Sequence with redshift unfolded by JWST Published: 6/19/2024 4:44:52 PM Updated: 2/1/2025 8:58:29 PM

Date: 2/4/2025

Arxiv: Stellar- and AGN-Driven Outflows in JWST Galaxies at z=3-9: Implications of More Spherical Galactic Fountains Published: 10/10/2023 4:31:21 PM Updated: 2/3/2025 7:10:56 AM

Date: 2/3/2025

Arxiv: A Spectroscopically Calibrated Prescription for Extracting PAH Flux from JWST MIRI Imaging Published: 1/31/2025 8:52:08 PM Updated: 1/31/2025 8:52:08 PM

Date: 1/31/2025

Arxiv: A Comprehensive Reanalysis of K2-18 b's JWST NIRISS+NIRSpec Transmission Spectrum Published: 1/30/2025 6:51:02 PM Updated: 1/30/2025 6:51:02 PM

Date: 1/31/2025

Arxiv: Characterising the multiple protostellar system VLA 1623-2417 with JWST, ALMA and VLA: outflow origins, dust growth and an unsettled disk Published: 1/30/2025 3:52:21 PM Updated: 1/30/2025 3:52:21 PM

Date: 1/31/2025

Arxiv: Subtle and Spectacular: Diverse White Dwarf Debris Disks Revealed by JWST Published: 1/30/2025 3:35:17 PM Updated: 1/30/2025 3:35:17 PM

Date: 1/31/2025

Arxiv: Discrepancies Between JWST Observations and Simulations of Quenched Massive Galaxies at z > 3: A Comparative Study With IllustrisTNG and ASTRID Published: 6/4/2024 9:00:00 PM Updated: 1/30/2025 3:40:38 PM

Date: 1/30/2025

Arxiv: The role of cloud particle properties on WASP-39b transmission spectrum based on JWST/NIRSpec observations Published: 1/29/2025 6:11:33 PM Updated: 1/29/2025 6:11:33 PM


Date: 1/30/2025

Arxiv: Near-IR clumps and their properties in high-z galaxies with JWST/NIRCam Published: 2/5/2024 4:28:07 AM Updated: 1/29/2025 4:12:32 AM

Date: 1/30/2025

Arxiv: Discovery of metal-poor and distant pre-main sequence candidates in WLM with JWST Published: 1/28/2025 7:29:41 PM Updated: 1/29/2025 1:31:40 PM

Date: 1/29/2025

Arxiv: Discovery of metal-poor and distant pre-main sequence candidates in WLM with JWST Published: 1/28/2025 7:29:41 PM Updated: 1/28/2025 7:29:41 PM

Date: 1/29/2025

Arxiv: Observations of the First Galaxies in the Era of JWST Published: 1/28/2025 7:02:45 PM Updated: 1/28/2025 7:02:45 PM

Date: 1/29/2025

Arxiv: Three Brown Dwarfs Masquerading as High-Redshift Galaxies in JWST Observations Published: 1/28/2025 4:30:16 AM Updated: 1/28/2025 4:30:16 AM

Date: 1/29/2025

Arxiv: JWST Reveals Varied Origins Between Jupiter's Irregular Satellites Published: 1/27/2025 10:40:54 PM Updated: 1/27/2025 10:40:54 PM

Date: 1/29/2025

Arxiv: JWST Observations of Starbursts: Relations between PAH features and CO clouds in the starburst galaxy M 82 Published: 1/24/2025 9:33:31 PM Updated: 1/28/2025 1:16:40 PM


Date: 1/28/2025

Arxiv: JWST Observations of Starbursts: Relations between PAH features and CO clouds in the starburst galaxy M 82 Published: 1/24/2025 9:33:31 PM Updated: 1/24/2025 9:33:31 PM

Date: 1/28/2025

Arxiv: The AURORA Survey: A New Era of Emission-line Diagrams with JWST/NIRSpec Published: 6/28/2024 9:00:05 PM Updated: 1/26/2025 12:02:06 AM

Date: 1/28/2025

Arxiv: Is the James Webb Space Telescope detecting too many AGN candidates? Published: 5/8/2024 9:00:03 PM Updated: 1/27/2025 1:03:22 PM

Date: 1/28/2025

Arxiv: The JWST Early Release Science Program for Direct Observations of Exoplanetary Systems III: Aperture Masking Interferometric Observations of the star HIP 65426 at 3.8 um Published: 10/17/2023 9:09:40 PM Updated: 1/27/2025 2:58:17 PM

Date: 1/27/2025

Arxiv: JWST COMPASS: NIRSpec/G395H Transmission Observations of the Super-Earth TOI-776b Published: 1/24/2025 6:08:00 PM Updated: 1/24/2025 6:08:00 PM

Date: 1/27/2025

Arxiv: JWST 1.5 μm and 4.8 μm Photometry of Y Dwarfs Published: 1/23/2025 11:18:06 PM Updated: 1/23/2025 11:18:06 PM

Date: 1/24/2025

Arxiv: The JWST EXCELS survey: an extremely metal-poor galaxy at z=8.271 hosting an unusual population of massive stars Published: 1/19/2025 6:19:34 PM Updated: 1/23/2025 10:46:51 AM


Date: 1/24/2025

Arxiv: Discovery of a likely Type II SN at z=3.6 with JWST Published: 1/9/2025 9:00:02 PM Updated: 1/23/2025 6:37:38 PM

Date: 1/23/2025

Arxiv: The JWST EXCELS survey: tracing the chemical enrichment pathways of high-redshift star-forming galaxies with O, Ar and Ne abundances Published: 11/18/2024 8:55:24 PM Updated: 1/22/2025 6:26:06 PM

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