The James Webb Space Telescope Feed

The most extensive source of information about James Webb Space Telescope. JWST Feed contains every single piece of data from the telescope, and is updating live every few minutes. Our goal is to make the full JWST data accessible for the public.

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Date: 3/15/2023

GLASS | Early results from GLASS-JWST XVI: Discovering a bluer z~4-7 Universe through UV slopes

Date: 3/15/2023

GLASS | Early results from GLASS-JWST XVI: Discovering a bluer z~4-7 Universe through UV slopes

Date: 3/15/2023

GLASS | Early results from GLASS-JWST XVI: Discovering a bluer z~4-7 Universe through UV slopes


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Date: 3/15/2023

Three-color JWST NIRCam images (blue =F115W, green = F150W, and red = F444W) for the 45 > 3s SCUBA-2 850 µm detected JWST NIRCam fF444W/fF150W > 3.5 sources with photzs

Date: 3/15/2023

Three-color JWST NIRCam images (blue =F115W, green = F150W, and red = F444W) for the 45 > 3s SCUBA-2 850 µm detected JWST NIRCam fF444W/fF150W > 3.5 sources with photzs

Date: 3/15/2023

Three-color JWST NIRCam images (blue =F115W, green = F150W, and red = F444W) for the 45 > 3s SCUBA-2 850 µm detected JWST NIRCam fF444W/fF150W > 3.5 sources with photzs

Date: 3/15/2023

Three-color JWST NIRCam images (blue =F115W, green = F150W, and red = F444W) for the 45 > 3s SCUBA-2 850 µm detected JWST NIRCam fF444W/fF150W > 3.5 sources with photzs


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Date: 3/15/2023

Three-color JWST NIRCam images (blue = F115W, green = F150W, and red = F444W) for the > 5s SCUBA-2 sources with accurate NIRCam positions

Date: 3/15/2023

GLASS | Early results from GLASS-JWST XVI: Discovering a bluer z~4-7 Universe through UV slopes

Date: 3/15/2023

Mapping the Decline with Redshift of Dusty Star-forming Galaxies Using JWST and SCUBA-2 Published: 3/13/2023 9:00:01 PM Updated: 3/13/2023 9:00:01 PM

Date: 3/15/2023

Early results from GLASS-JWST XVI: Discovering a bluer z~4-7 Universe through UV slopes Published: 7/28/2022 5:33:28 AM Updated: 3/14/2023 9:44:34 AM

Date: 3/15/2023

EMPRESS. IX. Extremely Metal-Poor Galaxies are Very Gas-Rich Dispersion-Dominated Systems: Will JWST Witness Gaseous Turbulent High-z Primordial Galaxies? Published: 6/9/2022 9:00:21 PM Updated: 3/14/2023 5:52:29 PM


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Date: 3/14/2023

Q3D | A color composite of ionized gas emission in the J1652 quasar host galaxy and the immediate environment

Date: 3/14/2023

First results from the JWST Early Release Science Program Q3D: Ionization cone, clumpy star formation and shocks in a z=3 extremely red quasar host Published: 3/13/2023 12:12:36 PM Updated: 3/13/2023 12:12:36 PM

Date: 3/14/2023

Probing the Nature of the First Galaxies with JWST and ALMA Published: 3/11/2023 9:14:45 AM Updated: 3/11/2023 9:14:45 AM

Date: 3/10/2023

PEARLS | RGB image of El Anzuelo

Date: 3/10/2023

Are JWST/NIRCam color gradients in the lensed z=2.3 dusty star-forming galaxy El~Anzuelo due to central dust attenuation or inside-out galaxy growth? Published: 3/9/2023 8:08:27 AM Updated: 3/9/2023 8:08:27 AM


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Date: 3/10/2023

Extending the extinction law in 30 Doradus to the infrared with JWST Published: 3/8/2023 9:00:01 PM Updated: 3/8/2023 9:00:01 PM

Date: 3/10/2023

Evolution of the UV LF from z~15 to z~8 Using New JWST NIRCam Medium-Band Observations over the HUDF/XDF Published: 11/4/2022 7:26:08 PM Updated: 3/9/2023 1:57:26 AM

Date: 3/9/2023

COSMOS | The first epoch of COSMOS-Web MIRI observations obtained on Jan. 5-6, 2023. The MIRI data are distributed in six non-overlapping tiles and include data from both the MIRI imager and Lyot Coronograph field of view

Date: 3/9/2023

COSMOS | The first epoch of COSMOS-Web NIRCam observations obtained on Jan. 5-6, 2023, including the F115W, F150W, F277W, and F444W filters as a color composite. These data cover six out of a total of 152 visits

Date: 3/9/2023

COSMOS | The first epoch of COSMOS-Web NIRCam observations obtained on 5-6 January 2023

Date: 3/9/2023

COSMOS | The first epoch of COSMOS-Web NIRCam observations obtained on 5-6 January 2023


Date: 3/9/2023

COSMOS | The first epoch of COSMOS-Web NIRCam observations obtained on 5-6 January 2023

Date: 3/9/2023

COSMOS | The first epoch of COSMOS-Web NIRCam observations obtained on 5-6 January 2023

Date: 3/9/2023

COSMOS | The first epoch of COSMOS-Web NIRCam observations obtained on 5-6 January 2023

Date: 3/9/2023

COSMOS | The first epoch of COSMOS-Web NIRCam observations obtained on 5-6 January 2023

Date: 3/9/2023

COSMOS | The first epoch of COSMOS-Web NIRCam observations obtained on 5-6 January 2023

Date: 3/9/2023

COSMOS | A selection of three color NIRCam (F115W+F150W+F277W) cutouts of galaxies at z > 3 with varied morphologies selected from IllustrisTNG mock images (Rose et al. 2022) with noise added consistent with the COSMOS-Web depth

Date: 3/9/2023

COSMOS | The first epoch of COSMOS-Web MIRI observations obtained on 5-6 January 2023

Date: 3/9/2023

PEARLS: Low Stellar Density Galaxies in the El Gordo Cluster Observed with JWST Published: 3/8/2023 7:15:02 PM Updated: 3/8/2023 7:15:02 PM


Date: 3/9/2023

COSMOS-Web: An Overview of the JWST Cosmic Origins Survey Published: 11/15/2022 5:10:47 AM Updated: 3/8/2023 8:35:56 PM

Date: 3/8/2023

EIGER | A pseudo-color JWST/NIRCam image in the field of the z=6.3 J0100+2802 quasar field. The three broadband images in F115W (blue), F200W (green), and F356W (red) are composite. The quasar is the red "star" at the center

Date: 3/8/2023

EIGER | A pseudo-color JWST/NIRCam image in the field of the z=6.3 J0100+2802 quasar field. The three broadband images in F115W (blue), F200W (green), and F356W (red) are composite. The quasar is the red "star" at the center (high resolution)

Date: 3/8/2023

EIGER | A compilation of pseudo-color stamp images of example [OIII]-emitters (3 arcsec on a side). They often look relatively "red" due to the strong [OIII] fluxes sampled in the F356W band images

Date: 3/8/2023

EIGER | Examples of stacked 2D spectra of [O iii]-emitters, shown in order of redshift from top to bottom. The [OIII]?5008 line is marked by ticks. Taken from EIGER Paper I (Kashino et al.)

Date: 3/8/2023

Paper 1: The JWST PEARLS View of the El Gordo Galaxy Cluster and of the Structure It Magnifies Published: 3/7/2023 1:50:26 AM Updated: 3/7/2023 1:50:26 AM

Date: 3/8/2023

Discovery of dusty sub-solar mass young stellar objects in NGC 346 with JWST/NIRCam Published: 1/10/2023 2:19:41 PM Updated: 3/7/2023 7:54:46 PM

Date: 3/8/2023

Spectroscopic time series performance of the Mid-Infrared Instrument on the JWST Published: 11/29/2022 1:51:00 PM Updated: 3/7/2023 2:28:20 PM


Date: 3/7/2023

PEARLS | NIRCam color image of the central region of El Gordo

Date: 3/7/2023

PEARLS | NIRCam color images of the four known and one probable z = 4:32 systems showing resolved morphologies

Date: 3/7/2023

PEARLS | NIRCam color image of the central region of El Gordo

Date: 3/6/2023

What if young z>9 JWST galaxies hosted massive black holes? Published: 12/9/2022 9:45:13 AM Updated: 3/3/2023 12:27:57 PM

Date: 3/3/2023

Early results from GLASS-JWST. XX: Unveiling a population of "red-excess'' galaxies in Abell2744 and in the coeval field Published: 3/2/2023 11:56:47 AM Updated: 3/2/2023 11:56:47 AM

Date: 3/3/2023

PHANGS-JWST First Results: Spurring on Star Formation: JWST Reveals Localised Star Formation in a Spiral Arm Spur of NGC 628 Published: 11/30/2022 9:00:01 PM Updated: 3/2/2023 6:31:51 PM

Date: 3/2/2023

JWST/NIRSpec Measurements of the Relationships Between Nebular Emission-line Ratios and Stellar Mass at z~3-6 Published: 3/1/2023 1:00:51 PM Updated: 3/1/2023 1:00:51 PM


Date: 3/2/2023

JWST-TST Proper Motions: I. High-Precision NIRISS Calibration and Large Magellanic Cloud Kinematics Published: 2/28/2023 9:00:00 PM Updated: 2/28/2023 9:00:00 PM

Date: 1/10/2023

$JWST$ Insight Into a Lensed $HST$-dark Galaxy and its Quiescent Companion at $z=2.58$ | Published: 1/10/2023 9:00:01 PM | Updated: 2/27/2023 4:55:45 PM

Date: 9/5/2022

Nuclear high-ionisation outflow in the Compton-thick AGN NGC6552 as seen by the JWST mid-infrared instrument | Published: 9/5/2022 12:20:00 AM | Updated: 2/26/2023 9:12:29 PM

Date: 3/22/2021

TransitFit: combined multi-instrument exoplanet transit fitting for JWST, HST and ground-based transmission spectroscopy studies | Published: 3/22/2021 9:14:07 PM | Updated: 2/27/2023 4:44:11 PM

Date: 2/24/2023

JWST Observations of the Enigmatic Y Dwarf WISE 1828+2650: I. Limits to a Binary Companion

Date: 2/24/2023

The stellar population responsible for a kiloparsec size superbubble seen in the JWST "phantom" images of NGC628

Date: 2/24/2023

MIRI/JWST observations reveal an extremely obscured starburst in the z=6.9 system SPT0311-58


Date: 2/23/2023

Delving deep: a population of extremely dusty dwarfs observed by JWST

Date: 2/23/2023

Closing in on the sources of cosmic reionization: first results from the GLASS-JWST program

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