The James Webb Space Telescope Feed

The most extensive source of information about James Webb Space Telescope. JWST Feed contains every single piece of data from the telescope, and is updating live every few minutes. Our goal is to make the full JWST data accessible for the public.

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Date: 2/14/2025

Arxiv: The UNCOVER Survey: First Release of Ultradeep JWST/NIRSpec PRISM spectra for ~700 galaxies from z~0.3-13 in Abell 2744 Published: 8/7/2024 8:24:12 PM Updated: 2/13/2025 5:45:05 PM

Date: 11/22/2024

Harvard ADS: A Glimpse at the New Redshift Frontier Through Abell S1063

Date: 10/17/2024

Harvard ADS: Tracing star formation across cosmic time at tens of parsec-scales in the lensing cluster field Abell 2744


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Date: 10/17/2024

Harvard ADS: Tracing star formation across cosmic time at tens of parsec-scales in the lensing cluster field Abell 2744

Date: 10/7/2024

Harvard ADS: All the Little Things in Abell 2744: >1000 Gravitationally Lensed Dwarf Galaxies at z=0-9 from JWST NIRCam Grism Spectroscopy

Date: 10/4/2024

Arxiv: All the Little Things in Abell 2744: >1000 Gravitationally Lensed Dwarf Galaxies at z=0-9 from JWST NIRCam Grism Spectroscopy Published: 10/2/2024 9:00:00 PM Updated: 10/2/2024 9:00:00 PM

Date: 8/29/2024

Arxiv: The UNCOVER Survey: First Release of Ultradeep JWST/NIRSpec PRISM spectra for ~700 galaxies from z~0.3-13 in Abell 2744 Published: 8/7/2024 8:24:12 PM Updated: 8/27/2024 9:41:41 PM


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Date: 8/10/2024

Harvard ADS: The UNCOVER Survey: First Release of Ultradeep JWST/NIRSpec PRISM spectra for ~700 galaxies from z~0.3-13 in Abell 2744

Date: 8/8/2024

Arxiv: The UNCOVER Survey: First Release of Ultradeep JWST/NIRSpec PRISM spectra for ~700 galaxies from z~0.3-13 in Abell 2744 Published: 8/7/2024 8:24:12 PM Updated: 8/7/2024 8:24:12 PM

Date: 8/6/2024

jbozeman | Abell 2744

Date: 8/2/2024

Target Name: ABELL370 Title: MAGNIF: Medium-band Astrophysics with the Grism of NIRCam in Frontier Fields Instrument: NIRCAM/IMAGE Filters: F360M Start Time: 7/31/2024 12:01:57 PM Obs Time: 3092.19(s) Proposal ID: 2883

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Date: 8/2/2024

Target Name: ABELL370 Title: MAGNIF: Medium-band Astrophysics with the Grism of NIRCam in Frontier Fields Instrument: NIRCAM/IMAGE Filters: F182M Start Time: 7/31/2024 11:02:00 AM Obs Time: 9276.566(s) Proposal ID: 2883

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Date: 8/2/2024

Target Name: ABELL370 Title: MAGNIF: Medium-band Astrophysics with the Grism of NIRCam in Frontier Fields Instrument: NIRISS/IMAGE Filters: F430M Start Time: 7/31/2024 11:01:58 AM Obs Time: 8589.414(s) Proposal ID: 2883

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Date: 7/30/2024

jbozeman | Abell 370

Date: 7/25/2024

Target Name: ABELL370 Title: MAGNIF: Medium-band Astrophysics with the Grism of NIRCam in Frontier Fields Instrument: NIRCAM/IMAGE Filters: F480M Start Time: 7/24/2024 11:22:17 PM Obs Time: 1546.095(s) Proposal ID: 2883

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Date: 7/25/2024

Target Name: ABELL370 Title: MAGNIF: Medium-band Astrophysics with the Grism of NIRCam in Frontier Fields Instrument: NIRCAM/IMAGE Filters: F210M Start Time: 7/24/2024 11:22:17 PM Obs Time: 4638.283(s) Proposal ID: 2883

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Date: 7/25/2024

Target Name: ABELL370 Title: MAGNIF: Medium-band Astrophysics with the Grism of NIRCam in Frontier Fields Instrument: NIRISS/IMAGE Filters: F480M Start Time: 7/24/2024 11:22:10 PM Obs Time: 4294.707(s) Proposal ID: 2883

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Date: 6/30/2024

Harvard ADS: High-redshift AGNs and galaxies behind the lensing cluster Abell 2744

Date: 5/17/2024

Target Name: ABELL-2597-WITH-BKG-MIRI Title: A Galaxy-Scale Fountain of Multiphase Gas Pumped by a Black Hole: The power of JWST combined with ALMA, MUSE, Chandra, and HST Instrument: MIRI/IMAGE Filters: F770W Start Time: 11/13/2023 12:39:56 AM Obs Time: 555.008(s) Proposal ID: 4094

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Date: 5/17/2024

Target Name: ABELL-2597-WITH-BKG-MIRI Title: A Galaxy-Scale Fountain of Multiphase Gas Pumped by a Black Hole: The power of JWST combined with ALMA, MUSE, Chandra, and HST Instrument: MIRI/IMAGE Filters: F560W Start Time: 11/13/2023 1:01:49 AM Obs Time: 555.008(s) Proposal ID: 4094

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Date: 5/17/2024

Target Name: ABELL-2597-WITH-BKG-MIRI Title: A Galaxy-Scale Fountain of Multiphase Gas Pumped by a Black Hole: The power of JWST combined with ALMA, MUSE, Chandra, and HST Instrument: MIRI/IMAGE Filters: F1000W Start Time: 11/13/2023 12:17:11 AM Obs Time: 555.008(s) Proposal ID: 4094

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Date: 5/17/2024

Target Name: ABELL-2597-OFF-GALAXY Title: A Galaxy-Scale Fountain of Multiphase Gas Pumped by a Black Hole: The power of JWST combined with ALMA, MUSE, Chandra, and HST Instrument: MIRI/IMAGE Filters: F770W Start Time: 11/12/2023 11:26:35 PM Obs Time: 555.008(s) Proposal ID: 4094

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Date: 5/17/2024

Target Name: ABELL-2597-OFF-GALAXY Title: A Galaxy-Scale Fountain of Multiphase Gas Pumped by a Black Hole: The power of JWST combined with ALMA, MUSE, Chandra, and HST Instrument: MIRI/IMAGE Filters: F560W Start Time: 11/12/2023 11:48:27 PM Obs Time: 555.008(s) Proposal ID: 4094

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Date: 5/17/2024

Target Name: ABELL-2597-OFF-GALAXY Title: A Galaxy-Scale Fountain of Multiphase Gas Pumped by a Black Hole: The power of JWST combined with ALMA, MUSE, Chandra, and HST Instrument: MIRI/IMAGE Filters: F1000W Start Time: 11/12/2023 11:04:06 PM Obs Time: 555.008(s) Proposal ID: 4094

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Date: 4/23/2024

Arxiv: Medium Bands, Mega Science: a JWST/NIRCam Medium-Band Imaging Survey of Abell 2744 Published: 4/19/2024 9:40:00 PM Updated: 4/19/2024 9:40:00 PM

Date: 4/18/2024

Arxiv: JWST Photometry of Globular Clusters in Abell 2744. II: luminosity and color distributions Published: 4/16/2024 9:00:00 PM Updated: 4/16/2024 9:00:00 PM

Date: 4/15/2024

JWST Discovery of 40+ Microlensed Stars in a Magnified Galaxy, the "Dragon" behind Abell 370

Date: 4/15/2024

Arxiv: JWST Discovery of 40+ Microlensed Stars in a Magnified Galaxy, the "Dragon" behind Abell 370 Published: 4/11/2024 9:00:02 PM Updated: 4/11/2024 9:00:02 PM

Date: 4/8/2024

Thomas Carpentier | Abell 370

Date: 3/13/2024

CANUCS: An Updated Mass and Magnification Model of Abell 370 with JWST

Date: 3/13/2024

Arxiv: CANUCS: An Updated Mass and Magnification Model of Abell 370 with JWST Published: 3/11/2024 8:00:12 PM Updated: 3/11/2024 8:00:12 PM


Date: 2/14/2024

Harvard ADS: An improved Magellan weak lensing analysis of the galaxy cluster Abell 2744

Date: 1/31/2024

Arxiv: Weak gravitational lensing measurements of Abell 2744 using JWST and shear measurement algorithm pyRRG-JWST Published: 1/29/2024 9:00:03 PM Updated: 1/29/2024 9:00:03 PM

Date: 1/24/2024

Esteban Ayala | Galaxy Cluster Abell 370

Date: 12/31/2023

Target Name: ABELL370 Title: CANUCS: The CAnadian NIRISS Unbiased Cluster Survey Instrument: NIRCAM/IMAGE Filters: F444W Start Time: 12/29/2022 10:33:39 AM Obs Time: 16706.414(s) Proposal ID: 1208

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Date: 12/31/2023

Target Name: ABELL370 Title: CANUCS: The CAnadian NIRISS Unbiased Cluster Survey Instrument: NIRCAM/IMAGE Filters: F410M Start Time: 12/29/2022 12:45:00 PM Obs Time: 16706.414(s) Proposal ID: 1208

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Date: 12/31/2023

Target Name: ABELL370 Title: CANUCS: The CAnadian NIRISS Unbiased Cluster Survey Instrument: NIRCAM/IMAGE Filters: F277W Start Time: 12/29/2022 6:11:52 AM Obs Time: 16706.414(s) Proposal ID: 1208

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Date: 12/31/2023

Target Name: ABELL370 Title: CANUCS: The CAnadian NIRISS Unbiased Cluster Survey Instrument: NIRCAM/IMAGE Filters: F150W Start Time: 12/29/2022 6:11:52 AM Obs Time: 16706.414(s) Proposal ID: 1208

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Date: 12/31/2023

Target Name: ABELL370 Title: CANUCS: The CAnadian NIRISS Unbiased Cluster Survey Instrument: NIRCAM/IMAGE Filters: F115W Start Time: 12/29/2022 10:33:39 AM Obs Time: 16706.414(s) Proposal ID: 1208

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Date: 12/31/2023

Target Name: ABELL370 Title: CANUCS: The CAnadian NIRISS Unbiased Cluster Survey Instrument: NIRCAM/IMAGE Filters: F090W Start Time: 12/29/2022 12:45:00 PM Obs Time: 16706.414(s) Proposal ID: 1208

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Date: 12/31/2023

Target Name: ABELL370 Title: CANUCS: The CAnadian NIRISS Unbiased Cluster Survey Instrument: NIRCAM/IMAGE Filters: F444W Start Time: 12/30/2022 4:03:48 PM Obs Time: 10307.298(s) Proposal ID: 1208

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Date: 12/31/2023

Target Name: ABELL370 Title: CANUCS: The CAnadian NIRISS Unbiased Cluster Survey Instrument: NIRCAM/IMAGE Filters: F410M Start Time: 12/30/2022 12:41:56 PM Obs Time: 10307.298(s) Proposal ID: 1208

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Date: 12/31/2023

Target Name: ABELL370 Title: CANUCS: The CAnadian NIRISS Unbiased Cluster Survey Instrument: NIRCAM/IMAGE Filters: F360M Start Time: 12/30/2022 9:20:06 AM Obs Time: 10307.298(s) Proposal ID: 1208

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Date: 12/31/2023

Target Name: ABELL370 Title: CANUCS: The CAnadian NIRISS Unbiased Cluster Survey Instrument: NIRCAM/IMAGE Filters: F335M Start Time: 12/30/2022 10:48:02 PM Obs Time: 10307.298(s) Proposal ID: 1208

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Date: 12/31/2023

Target Name: ABELL370 Title: CANUCS: The CAnadian NIRISS Unbiased Cluster Survey Instrument: NIRCAM/IMAGE Filters: F277W Start Time: 12/30/2022 7:25:49 PM Obs Time: 10307.298(s) Proposal ID: 1208

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Date: 12/31/2023

Target Name: ABELL370 Title: CANUCS: The CAnadian NIRISS Unbiased Cluster Survey Instrument: NIRCAM/IMAGE Filters: F210M Start Time: 12/30/2022 7:25:49 PM Obs Time: 10307.298(s) Proposal ID: 1208

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Date: 12/31/2023

Target Name: ABELL370 Title: CANUCS: The CAnadian NIRISS Unbiased Cluster Survey Instrument: NIRCAM/IMAGE Filters: F182M Start Time: 12/30/2022 10:48:02 PM Obs Time: 10307.298(s) Proposal ID: 1208

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Date: 12/31/2023

Target Name: ABELL370 Title: CANUCS: The CAnadian NIRISS Unbiased Cluster Survey Instrument: NIRCAM/IMAGE Filters: F150W Start Time: 12/30/2022 4:03:48 PM Obs Time: 10307.298(s) Proposal ID: 1208

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Date: 12/31/2023

Target Name: ABELL370 Title: CANUCS: The CAnadian NIRISS Unbiased Cluster Survey Instrument: NIRCAM/IMAGE Filters: F115W Start Time: 12/30/2022 12:41:56 PM Obs Time: 10307.298(s) Proposal ID: 1208

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Date: 12/31/2023

Target Name: ABELL370 Title: CANUCS: The CAnadian NIRISS Unbiased Cluster Survey Instrument: NIRCAM/IMAGE Filters: F090W Start Time: 12/30/2022 9:20:05 AM Obs Time: 10307.298(s) Proposal ID: 1208

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Date: 12/31/2023

Target Name: ABELL370 Title: CANUCS: The CAnadian NIRISS Unbiased Cluster Survey Instrument: NIRISS/IMAGE Filters: CLEAR;F200W Start Time: 12/30/2022 9:20:03 AM Obs Time: 2233.248(s) Proposal ID: 1208

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Date: 12/31/2023

Target Name: ABELL370 Title: CANUCS: The CAnadian NIRISS Unbiased Cluster Survey Instrument: NIRISS/IMAGE Filters: CLEAR;F150W Start Time: 12/30/2022 4:03:41 PM Obs Time: 2233.248(s) Proposal ID: 1208

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Date: 12/31/2023

Target Name: ABELL370 Title: CANUCS: The CAnadian NIRISS Unbiased Cluster Survey Instrument: NIRISS/IMAGE Filters: CLEAR;F115W Start Time: 12/30/2022 10:48:02 PM Obs Time: 1116.624(s) Proposal ID: 1208

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Date: 12/31/2023

Target Name: ABELL370 Title: CANUCS: The CAnadian NIRISS Unbiased Cluster Survey Instrument: NIRISS/IMAGE Filters: CLEAR;F200W Start Time: 12/29/2022 12:44:53 PM Obs Time: 2920.402(s) Proposal ID: 1208

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Date: 12/31/2023

Target Name: ABELL370 Title: CANUCS: The CAnadian NIRISS Unbiased Cluster Survey Instrument: NIRISS/IMAGE Filters: CLEAR;F150W Start Time: 12/29/2022 10:33:43 AM Obs Time: 2920.402(s) Proposal ID: 1208

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