The James Webb Space Telescope Feed

The most extensive source of information about James Webb Space Telescope. JWST Feed contains every single piece of data from the telescope, and is updating live every few minutes. Our goal is to make the full JWST data accessible for the public.

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Date: 9/19/2024

Target Name: KAPPA-AND Title: MIRI Coronagraphic Imaging of exoplanets Instrument: MIRI/CORON Filters: F1140C;4QPM_1140 Start Time: 9/19/2023 12:46:18 PM Obs Time: 20.612(s) Proposal ID: 1241

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Date: 9/19/2024

Harvard ADS: Drifts of the sub-stellar points of the TRAPPIST-1 planets

Date: 9/19/2024

Harvard ADS: Updated forecast for TRAPPIST-1 times of transit for all seven exoplanets incorporating JWST data


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Date: 9/19/2024

Harvard ADS: Probing the Origin of the Star Formation Excess Discovered by JWST through Gamma-Ray Bursts

Date: 9/19/2024

Harvard ADS: UNCOVER: Significant Reddening in Cosmic Noon Quiescent Galaxies

Date: 9/19/2024

Target Name: NGC891-NE-2KPC Title: Structure formation and baryonic cycling in the edge-on galaxy NGC891 Instrument: MIRI/IMAGE Filters: F770W Start Time: 9/19/2023 5:41:23 AM Obs Time: 2006.752(s) Proposal ID: 2180

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Date: 9/19/2024

Target Name: NGC891-NE-2KPC Title: Structure formation and baryonic cycling in the edge-on galaxy NGC891 Instrument: MIRI/IMAGE Filters: F2100W Start Time: 9/19/2023 7:12:30 AM Obs Time: 2006.752(s) Proposal ID: 2180

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Date: 9/19/2024

Target Name: NGC891-NE-2KPC Title: Structure formation and baryonic cycling in the edge-on galaxy NGC891 Instrument: MIRI/IMAGE Filters: F1130W Start Time: 9/19/2023 6:27:16 AM Obs Time: 2006.752(s) Proposal ID: 2180

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Date: 9/19/2024

Target Name: NGC891-NE-1KPC Title: Structure formation and baryonic cycling in the edge-on galaxy NGC891 Instrument: MIRI/IMAGE Filters: F770W Start Time: 9/19/2023 3:21:09 AM Obs Time: 2006.752(s) Proposal ID: 2180

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Date: 9/19/2024

Target Name: NGC891-NE-1KPC Title: Structure formation and baryonic cycling in the edge-on galaxy NGC891 Instrument: MIRI/IMAGE Filters: F2100W Start Time: 9/19/2023 4:52:35 AM Obs Time: 2006.752(s) Proposal ID: 2180

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Date: 9/19/2024

Target Name: NGC891-NE-1KPC Title: Structure formation and baryonic cycling in the edge-on galaxy NGC891 Instrument: MIRI/IMAGE Filters: F1130W Start Time: 9/19/2023 4:07:27 AM Obs Time: 2006.752(s) Proposal ID: 2180

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Date: 9/19/2024

Rocky Worlds DDT Selects its First Targets


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Date: 9/19/2024

Harvard ADS: Drifts of the sub-stellar points of the TRAPPIST-1 planets

Date: 9/19/2024

Harvard ADS: Updated forecast for TRAPPIST-1 times of transit for all seven exoplanets incorporating JWST data

Date: 9/19/2024

Harvard ADS: Probing the Origin of the Star Formation Excess Discovered by JWST through Gamma-Ray Bursts

Date: 9/19/2024

Harvard ADS: UNCOVER: Significant Reddening in Cosmic Noon Quiescent Galaxies

Date: 9/19/2024

NASA's Chandra Finds Galaxy Cluster That Crosses the Streams


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Date: 9/19/2024

Target Name: SPT-CLJ2101-6123 Title: JWST Cluster SLICE - Strong LensIng and Cluster Evolution Instrument: NIRCAM/IMAGE Filters: F150W2 Start Time: 9/19/2024 6:10:00 AM Obs Time: 1835.991(s) Proposal ID: 5594

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Date: 9/19/2024

Target Name: SPT-CLJ2101-6123 Title: JWST Cluster SLICE - Strong LensIng and Cluster Evolution Instrument: NIRCAM/IMAGE Filters: F322W2 Start Time: 9/19/2024 6:10:00 AM Obs Time: 1835.991(s) Proposal ID: 5594

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Date: 9/19/2024

Target Name: 2MASS-18283396-3835363 Title: JWST Routine Wavefront Sensing and Control for Cycle 3 Instrument: NIRCAM/IMAGE Filters: F356W Start Time: 9/19/2024 2:37:32 AM Obs Time: 85.894(s) Proposal ID: 6696

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Date: 9/19/2024

Target Name: 2MASS-18283396-3835363 Title: JWST Routine Wavefront Sensing and Control for Cycle 3 Instrument: NIRCAM/IMAGE Filters: F212N;WLP8 Start Time: 9/19/2024 2:37:32 AM Obs Time: 85.894(s) Proposal ID: 6696

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Date: 9/19/2024

Target Name: 2MASS-18283396-3835363 Title: JWST Routine Wavefront Sensing and Control for Cycle 3 Instrument: NIRCAM/IMAGE Filters: F212N;WLM8 Start Time: 9/19/2024 2:37:32 AM Obs Time: 85.894(s) Proposal ID: 6696

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Date: 9/19/2024

Target Name: 2MASS-18283396-3835363 Title: JWST Routine Wavefront Sensing and Control for Cycle 3 Instrument: NIRCAM/IMAGE Filters: F212N;WLP8 Start Time: 9/19/2024 2:37:32 AM Obs Time: 85.894(s) Proposal ID: 6696

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Date: 9/19/2024

yuval | A part of edge-on galaxy NGC 891 by # JWST , MIRI

Date: 9/19/2024

yuval | A part of edge-on galaxy NGC 891 by # JWST , NIRCam

Date: 9/19/2024

Target Name: NGC891-C-EAST-2KPC Title: Structure formation and baryonic cycling in the edge-on galaxy NGC891 Instrument: MIRI/IMAGE Filters: F770W Start Time: 9/19/2023 12:51:03 AM Obs Time: 2006.752(s) Proposal ID: 2180

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Date: 9/19/2024

Target Name: NGC891-C-EAST-2KPC Title: Structure formation and baryonic cycling in the edge-on galaxy NGC891 Instrument: MIRI/IMAGE Filters: F2100W Start Time: 9/19/2023 2:22:38 AM Obs Time: 2006.752(s) Proposal ID: 2180

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Date: 9/19/2024

Target Name: NGC891-C-EAST-2KPC Title: Structure formation and baryonic cycling in the edge-on galaxy NGC891 Instrument: MIRI/IMAGE Filters: F1130W Start Time: 9/19/2023 1:37:13 AM Obs Time: 2006.752(s) Proposal ID: 2180

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Date: 9/19/2024

Arxiv: Updated forecast for TRAPPIST-1 times of transit for all seven exoplanets incorporating JWST data Published: 9/18/2024 3:51:17 AM Updated: 9/18/2024 3:51:17 AM

Date: 9/19/2024

Arxiv: Probing the Origin of the Star Formation Excess Discovered by JWST through Gamma-Ray Bursts Published: 9/17/2024 9:00:05 PM Updated: 9/17/2024 9:00:05 PM

Date: 9/19/2024

Target Name: NGC891-C-EAST-1KPC Title: Structure formation and baryonic cycling in the edge-on galaxy NGC891 Instrument: MIRI/IMAGE Filters: F770W Start Time: 9/18/2023 10:30:30 PM Obs Time: 2006.752(s) Proposal ID: 2180

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Date: 9/19/2024

Target Name: NGC891-C-EAST-1KPC Title: Structure formation and baryonic cycling in the edge-on galaxy NGC891 Instrument: MIRI/IMAGE Filters: F2100W Start Time: 9/19/2023 12:02:02 AM Obs Time: 2006.752(s) Proposal ID: 2180

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Date: 9/19/2024

Target Name: NGC891-C-EAST-1KPC Title: Structure formation and baryonic cycling in the edge-on galaxy NGC891 Instrument: MIRI/IMAGE Filters: F1130W Start Time: 9/18/2023 11:16:42 PM Obs Time: 2006.752(s) Proposal ID: 2180

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Date: 9/19/2024

Target Name: TYC-7380-1046-1 Title: Illuminating the dust properties in the diffuse ISM with JWST Instrument: MIRI/IMAGE Filters: F770W Start Time: 9/18/2023 1:06:44 PM Obs Time: 210.904(s) Proposal ID: 2183

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Date: 9/19/2024

Target Name: TYC-7380-1046-1 Title: Illuminating the dust properties in the diffuse ISM with JWST Instrument: MIRI/IMAGE Filters: F1130W Start Time: 9/18/2023 1:06:44 PM Obs Time: 210.904(s) Proposal ID: 2183

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Date: 9/19/2024

Target Name: TYC-7380-1046-1 Title: Illuminating the dust properties in the diffuse ISM with JWST Instrument: MIRI/IMAGE Filters: F1000W Start Time: 9/18/2023 1:06:44 PM Obs Time: 210.904(s) Proposal ID: 2183

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Date: 9/19/2024

Target Name: IRAS18089-copy Title: MIRI EC Protostars Survey Instrument: MIRI/IMAGE Filters: F1500W Start Time: 9/18/2023 3:51:01 PM Obs Time: 599.406(s) Proposal ID: 1290

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Date: 9/19/2024

Target Name: HD-172555 Title: MIRI EC Protoplanetary and Debris Disks Survey Instrument: MIRI/IMAGE Filters: F1280W Start Time: 9/18/2023 11:19:54 AM Obs Time: 1964.724(s) Proposal ID: 1282

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Date: 9/18/2024

Starry Time Podcast | # JWST doing the JWST thing this time with Arp 107 -- a pair of interacting/merging/colliding galaxies located in the constellation Leo Minor ~ 450 million light-years away! Dazzling! 🤩 📷 : https:// # Astrophotography # Space # Science # AstroDon # Astronomy # Leo # Galaxies # Apr107 # NASA # ESA


Date: 9/18/2024

Target Name: SPT-CLJ0048-5244 Title: JWST Cluster SLICE - Strong LensIng and Cluster Evolution Instrument: NIRCAM/IMAGE Filters: F150W2 Start Time: 9/18/2024 8:45:32 AM Obs Time: 1835.991(s) Proposal ID: 5594

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Date: 9/18/2024

Target Name: SPT-CLJ0048-5244 Title: JWST Cluster SLICE - Strong LensIng and Cluster Evolution Instrument: NIRCAM/IMAGE Filters: F322W2 Start Time: 9/18/2024 8:45:32 AM Obs Time: 1835.991(s) Proposal ID: 5594

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Date: 9/18/2024

Target Name: NAME-SGR-A-UV-CLOUD Title: The Ultra Violet Output of Sgr A* Instrument: MIRI/IFU Filters: CH4-SHORT Start Time: 9/18/2023 7:35:13 AM Obs Time: 1523.496(s) Proposal ID: 2075

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Date: 9/18/2024

Target Name: NAME-SGR-A-UV-CLOUD Title: The Ultra Violet Output of Sgr A* Instrument: MIRI/IFU Filters: CH3-SHORT Start Time: 9/18/2023 7:35:13 AM Obs Time: 1523.496(s) Proposal ID: 2075

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Date: 9/18/2024

Target Name: NAME-SGR-A-UV-CLOUD Title: The Ultra Violet Output of Sgr A* Instrument: MIRI/IFU Filters: CH2-SHORT Start Time: 9/18/2023 7:35:13 AM Obs Time: 1523.496(s) Proposal ID: 2075

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Date: 9/18/2024

Target Name: NAME-SGR-A-UV-CLOUD Title: The Ultra Violet Output of Sgr A* Instrument: MIRI/IFU Filters: CH1-SHORT Start Time: 9/18/2023 7:35:13 AM Obs Time: 1523.496(s) Proposal ID: 2075

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Date: 9/18/2024

Arp 107 (MIRI Image)


Date: 9/18/2024

Arp 107 (NIRCam Image)

Date: 9/18/2024

Webb Provides Another Look Into Galactic Collisions (NIRCam and MIRI)

Date: 9/18/2024

Harvard ADS: Footprints of axion-like particle in pulsar timing array data and James Webb Space Telescope observations

Date: 9/18/2024

Harvard ADS: What ionized the universe? JWST finds too many culprits

Date: 9/18/2024

Harvard ADS: Spectroscopic confirmation of two luminous galaxies at a redshift of 14

Date: 9/18/2024

Harvard ADS: Towards a universal analytical model for Population III star formation: interplay between feedback and fragmentation

Date: 9/18/2024

Harvard ADS: GA-NIFS: NIRSpec reveals evidence for non-circular motions and AGN feedback in GN20


Date: 9/18/2024

Harvard ADS: Synchrotron radiation far infrared spectrum of the astrophysically significant Ethanol (CH3CH2OH) molecule in the gauche states in the vibrational ground state and other infrared observations

Date: 9/18/2024

Harvard ADS: Quartz Clouds in the Dayside Atmosphere of the Quintessential Hot Jupiter HD 189733 b

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