The James Webb Space Telescope Feed

The most extensive source of information about James Webb Space Telescope. JWST Feed contains every single piece of data from the telescope, and is updating live every few minutes. Our goal is to make the full JWST data accessible for the public.

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Date: 3/2/2024

Anton Petrov | James Webb Solves One of the Biggest Mysteries in Cosmology: Dark Ages and Reionization

Date: 9/28/2023

Fraser Cain | Astronomers are Working to Put a Radio Telescope on the Far Side of the Moon by 2025 Thanks to JWST, astronomers can see almost back to the beginning of the Universe, but there's still a 400 million-year gap that eludes even this mighty telescope. To see into the cosmic "dark ages," we'll need a radio telescope without interference from Earth's ceaseless chatter. A new mission called LuSEE-Night is under construction and is scheduled to be delivered to the far side of the Moon in 2025, giving it a pristine view of the sky. This mission is a pathfinder, hoping to demonstrate that the signal from the early Universe is present, paving the way for future, even larger telescopes on the lunar farside. # cosmology # missions https:// listening-to-the-radio-on-the-far-side-of-the-moon/

Date: 5/22/2023

NASASpaceNews | How JWST Spotted a Cosmic Needle in a Haystack: An Ultra-Faint Galaxy from the Dark Ages


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Date: 5/18/2023

The nature of an ultra-faint galaxy in the cosmic Dark Ages seen with JWST

Date: 5/18/2023

The nature of an ultra-faint galaxy in the cosmic Dark Ages seen with JWST

Date: 5/18/2023

The nature of an ultra-faint galaxy in the cosmic Dark Ages seen with JWST

Date: 5/18/2023

The nature of an ultra-faint galaxy in the cosmic Dark Ages seen with JWST


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Date: 5/18/2023

The nature of an ultra-faint galaxy in the cosmic Dark Ages seen with JWST

Date: 5/18/2023

The nature of an ultra-faint galaxy in the cosmic Dark Ages seen with JWST

Date: 5/18/2023

The nature of an ultra-faint galaxy in the cosmic Dark Ages seen with JWST

Date: 5/18/2023

The nature of an ultra-faint galaxy in the cosmic Dark Ages seen with JWST

Date: 5/18/2023

The nature of an ultra-faint galaxy in the cosmic Dark Ages seen with JWST


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Date: 5/18/2023

The nature of an ultra-faint galaxy in the cosmic Dark Ages seen with JWST

Date: 5/18/2023

The nature of an ultra-faint galaxy in the cosmic Dark Ages seen with JWST

Date: 5/18/2023

The nature of an ultra-faint galaxy in the cosmic Dark Ages seen with JWST Published: 10/27/2022 8:29:14 PM Updated: 5/17/2023 8:48:45 PM

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