James Webb Space Telescope Feed Post
Public data for April 1 - April 8
JWST takes dozens GB of data on a daily basis. Most of it has 12 month exclusive period, when the data isn't accessible for the public, but some has none, and are immediately released. Every week we post the upcoming weekly public images and data we're about to receive from JWST. This week, the exclusive period has ended for the following observations and the images & data will become public: Target Name: J120202+541551 Observation Title: Revealing the Ionizing Spectrum of Low-Metallicity Galaxies with MIRI Instrument(s): MIRI/IMAGE, MIRI/IFU Release Date: 4/2/2024 7:57:23 AM Original Observation Date: 4/2/2023 1:49:27 AM Image Count: 14 Target Name: PDS456-MIRI Observation Title: Quasar Feedback in Action: The Multiphase and Multiscale Outflow of the Most Luminous Quasar in the Local Universe Instrument(s): MIRI/IFU, MIRI/IMAGE Release Date: 4/2/2024 3:16:54 PM Original Observation Date: 4/2/2023 5:58:42 AM Image Count: 14 Target Name: RM734 Observation Title: A JWST Study of the Link Between Supermassive Black Holes and Galaxies at Cosmic Noon Instrument(s): NIRSPEC/IFU, NIRCAM/IMAGE Release Date: 4/3/2024 2:24:55 AM Original Observation Date: 4/2/2023 11:37:25 PM Image Count: 9 Target Name: WASP-17 Observation Title: Transit and Eclipse Spectroscopy of a Hot Jupiter Instrument(s): NIRSPEC/SLIT Release Date: 4/3/2024 2:36:05 AM Original Observation Date: 3/31/2023 3:19:14 PM Image Count: 2 Target Name: CD-25-11111B Observation Title: MIRI EC Protoplanetary and Debris Disks Survey Instrument(s): MIRI/IFU, MIRI/IMAGE Release Date: 4/3/2024 4:09:45 AM Original Observation Date: 4/3/2023 2:08:38 AM Image Count: 5 Target Name: MCG-05-23-016 Observation Title: Closing in on the launching sites of AGN outflows Instrument(s): MIRI/IFU, MIRI/IMAGE Release Date: 4/3/2024 9:49:01 AM Original Observation Date: 4/3/2023 5:50:16 AM Image Count: 18 Target Name: M-81-MIRI-BG Observation Title: Revealing Low Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei (ReveaLLAGN) Instrument(s): MIRI/IFU, MIRI/IMAGE Release Date: 4/3/2024 6:04:32 PM Original Observation Date: 4/1/2023 9:01:40 PM Image Count: 7 Target Name: J1509-BACKGROUND Observation Title: Revealing the Ionizing Spectrum of Low-Metallicity Galaxies with MIRI Instrument(s): MIRI/IFU, MIRI/IMAGE Release Date: 4/3/2024 6:19:42 PM Original Observation Date: 4/1/2023 11:46:06 PM Image Count: 5 Target Name: MRK231-BACKGROUND Observation Title: NIRSpec & MIRI Integral-Field Spectroscopy of the Nucleus of Mrk 231 Instrument(s): MIRI/IFU, MIRI/IMAGE Release Date: 4/3/2024 6:20:03 PM Original Observation Date: 4/1/2023 3:22:05 PM Image Count: 7 Target Name: M-81-MIRI Observation Title: Revealing Low Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei (ReveaLLAGN) Instrument(s): MIRI/IFU, MIRI/IMAGE Release Date: 4/3/2024 6:31:01 PM Original Observation Date: 4/1/2023 7:31:39 PM Image Count: 11 Target Name: J1506+5402 Observation Title: What Lies Beneath: Understanding the Hidden Engines Driving Extreme Outflows and Galaxy Quenching Instrument(s): MIRI/IFU, MIRI/IMAGE Release Date: 4/3/2024 8:56:55 PM Original Observation Date: 4/3/2023 12:30:02 PM Image Count: 9 Target Name: J0900+0214 Observation Title: Probing Silicate and Carbonaceous Dust and Ice in Distant Galaxies with Mid-IR Spectroscopy of Quasars with Foreground 2175 A Absorbers Instrument(s): MIRI/IFU Release Date: 4/3/2024 9:06:14 PM Original Observation Date: 4/3/2023 9:08:50 AM Image Count: 12 Target Name: MRK231-SHELL Observation Title: NIRSpec & MIRI Integral-Field Spectroscopy of the Nucleus of Mrk 231 Instrument(s): NIRSPEC/IFU Release Date: 4/3/2024 11:32:29 PM Original Observation Date: 4/1/2023 6:08:08 PM Image Count: 3 Target Name: J150934+373146 Observation Title: Revealing the Ionizing Spectrum of Low-Metallicity Galaxies with MIRI Instrument(s): MIRI/IFU, MIRI/IMAGE Release Date: 4/3/2024 11:46:31 PM Original Observation Date: 4/1/2023 10:08:21 PM Image Count: 9 Target Name: MRK231-NUC-NIRSPEC Observation Title: NIRSpec & MIRI Integral-Field Spectroscopy of the Nucleus of Mrk 231 Instrument(s): NIRSPEC/IFU Release Date: 4/4/2024 12:05:16 AM Original Observation Date: 4/1/2023 5:05:43 PM Image Count: 3 Target Name: RM549, RM387 Observation Title: A JWST Study of the Link Between Supermassive Black Holes and Galaxies at Cosmic Noon Instrument(s): NIRCAM/IMAGE, NIRSPEC/IFU Release Date: 4/4/2024 1:01:05 AM Original Observation Date: 4/1/2023 12:26:39 PM Image Count: 4, 5 Target Name: J1506-BACKGROUND Observation Title: What Lies Beneath: Understanding the Hidden Engines Driving Extreme Outflows and Galaxy Quenching Instrument(s): MIRI/IMAGE, MIRI/IFU Release Date: 4/4/2024 5:56:55 AM Original Observation Date: 4/3/2023 2:19:42 PM Image Count: 5 Target Name: J1613+2834 Observation Title: What Lies Beneath: Understanding the Hidden Engines Driving Extreme Outflows and Galaxy Quenching Instrument(s): MIRI/IFU, MIRI/IMAGE Release Date: 4/4/2024 10:13:58 AM Original Observation Date: 4/3/2023 7:20:57 PM Image Count: 14 Target Name: RX-J155829.5-231026 Observation Title: MIRI EC Protoplanetary and Debris Disks Survey Instrument(s): MIRI/IFU, MIRI/IMAGE Release Date: 4/4/2024 11:12:24 AM Original Observation Date: 4/4/2023 3:30:06 AM Image Count: 5 Target Name: CL-WESTERLUND-1 Observation Title: Testing protoplanetary disk evolution and brown dwarf formation in starburst: NIRCAM and MIRI observations of the young cluster Westerlund 1 Instrument(s): MIRI/IMAGE, NIRCAM/IMAGE Release Date: 4/5/2024 12:43:37 PM Original Observation Date: 4/4/2023 10:23:24 AM Image Count: 14 Target Name: MRK231-NUC-MIRI Observation Title: NIRSpec & MIRI Integral-Field Spectroscopy of the Nucleus of Mrk 231 Instrument(s): MIRI/IMAGE, MIRI/IFU Release Date: 4/5/2024 8:01:37 PM Original Observation Date: 4/1/2023 2:35:15 PM Image Count: 15 mage Count: 2 Target Name: SUNBURST Observation Title: How do ionizing photons escape the Sunburst Arc? Instrument(s): NIRSPEC/IFU Release Date: 4/6/2024 5:53:48 PM Original Observation Date: 4/6/2023 6:52:36 AM Image Count: 8 Target Name: BACKGROUND Observation Title: First accreting black hole candidates: infrared-dropout heavily obscured X-ray AGNs Instrument(s): NIRSPEC/IFU Release Date: 4/7/2024 6:37:09 PM Original Observation Date: 4/7/2023 4:46:40 PM Image Count: 5 Target Name: LID568, LID1166, CID1549 Observation Title: First accreting black hole candidates: infrared-dropout heavily obscured X-ray AGNs Instrument(s): NIRSPEC/IFU, NIRSPEC/IMAGE Release Date: 4/7/2024 6:37:50 PM Original Observation Date: 4/7/2023 1:42:26 PM Image Count: 8 each In addition, the following observations are scheduled for this week and have no exclusive period, which means the images & data will be public immediately (excluding calibrations and NIRSpec observations): Target Name: GaiaDR31608497864040134016 Keywords: White dwarfs Start Time: 4/2/2024 12:20:10 AM Instrument(s): MIRI Low Resolution Spectroscopy Program ID: 3690 Target Name: HR5467-WBKG Keywords: A dwarfs Start Time: 4/2/2024 8:05:44 AM Instrument(s): MIRI Low Resolution Spectroscopy Program ID: 4496 Target Name: SN2014bi Keywords: Supernovae Start Time: 4/2/2024 7:08:07 PM Instrument(s): MIRI Imaging Program ID: 3921 Target Name: IR15250 Keywords: Infrared galaxies, Interacting galaxies Start Time: 4/3/2024 6:11:32 AM Instrument(s): NIRCam Imaging Program ID: 3368 Target Name: CWEBTILE-1-0 Keywords: Field galaxies Start Time: 4/6/2024 12:07:58 AM Instrument(s): NIRCam Imaging Program ID: 1727