Gas-rich baby galaxies set the early universe alight (unofficial)
NASA Telescopes Discover Record-Breaking Black Hole
JWST image of the HH212 protostellar jet (unofficial)
Astronomers now know how far the Earth is from 200 galaxies (unofficial)
No tricks, just treats
The Crab Nebula
Webb Makes First Detection of Heavy Element From Star Merger
Webb Discovers New Feature in Jupiter’s Atmosphere
Webb Detects Tiny Quartz Crystals in the Clouds of a Hot Gas Giant
Webb Captures an Ethereal View of NGC 346 (MIRI)
NIRCam Orion mosaic
Scientists use Webb, SOFIA telescopes to observe metallic asteroid (unofficial)
Put a ring on it (unofficial)
JWST’s first spectrum of a TRAPPIST-1 planet (unofficial)
Study reveals cosmic surprises from the dawn of time (unofficial)
Astronomers find abundance of Milky Way-like galaxies in early Universe, rewriting cosmic evolution theories (unofficial)
Webb Finds Carbon Source on Surface of Jupiter’s Moon Europa (NIRCam Image)
Researchers use JWST to view growing “baby galaxy” (unofficial)
JWST and ALMA Capture the Core of the Most Distant Galaxy Protocluster (unofficial)
Webb Snaps Supersonic Outflow of Young Star
A Fab Five: New Images With NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory
Saturn's Atmosphere in Northern Summer Revealed by JWST/MIRI (unofficial)
Webb Confirms Accuracy of Universe's Expansion Rate Measured by Hubble, Deepens Mystery of Hubble Constant Tension
Webb Discovers Methane, Carbon Dioxide in Atmosphere of Exoplanet K2-18 b
The interaction between AGN and starburst activity as viewed with JWST (unofficial)